Natural Abnormal Pap smear Treatments
Natural Abnormal Pap smear Treatments available at Living Wellness Medical Center.
The Pap smear is a swab of the cervix to screen for cervical cancer in women. This is done at a woman’s annual well-woman exam and usually starts annually at age 21 or after her first sexual experience. First, let’s review the terminology associated with the Pap smear test.
- The pap smear is a test that takes a small sample of cells from the cervix. They are then viewed under a microscope to assess the size, shape, and other cellular features.
- If the cells qualify as “normal,” the pap is considered “negative.”
- If the cells look “abnormal,” they are termed “cervical dysplasia” and are graded on a scale of “how abnormal.”
- Here are the terms used to describe the increasing severity of abnormal cells:
- Asc-Us (atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance)
- Asc-H (atypical squamous cells, cannot exclude high-grade)
- Low-Grade SIL (low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion – often referred to as mild dysplasia)
- High-Grade SIL (high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion – often referred to as moderate or severe dysplasia)
- Agc (atypical glandular cells)
- Here are the terms used to describe the increasing severity of abnormal cells:
- The Pap smear also tests for a virus called Human Papillomavirus (“HPV”)
- There are both high-risk types of HPV (associated with cervical cancer) and low-risk types. Generally, the Pap test only tests for the high-risk types of HPV.
What are the Treatment Options for an Abnormal Pap:
There are many ways to treat cervical dysplasia (CIN). Factors influencing the choice of treatment for cervical dysplasia include the extent and severity of the dysplasia, the age of the woman, and whether or not she has any other gynecological problems. Often the experience of the physician or other clinician and the availability of equipment are major factors in determining treatment. The following are the most common conventional methods of treating cervical dysplasia:
- Cryotherapy or freezing: freezing off the atypical cells of the cervix
- Laser Therapy: carbon dioxide laser vaporizes the abnormal cells
- Cone Biopsy: the surgical removal of the cone-shaped or cylinder-shaped piece of the cervix
- Loop Excision (LEEP): electrical loop excision uses a fine wire with electrical energy flowing through it to remove the abnormal area of the cervix
Naturopathic Treatment Options:
Naturopathic Treatments may provide some alternatives depending on the severity of the cellular changes. HPV is a virus, and though it can cause cellular changes to the cervix, by supporting the immune system, abnormal Paps can often be treated naturopathically. The treatment ultimately depends on the individual woman, her Pap smear and HPV status, and her health history. Some naturopathic treatments include:
Systemic Immune Support Examples
- Stress Reduction and Resilience Support (homeopathy, herbs, lifestyle modification, biofeedback techniques)
- Vitamins
- Minerals
- Immune support
- Antiviral herbs, nutrients, and foods
- Botanical herbs
- Homeopathic remedies
- Therapeutic diet and lifestyle modifications
Topical Treatment Examples:
- Herbal Suppositories
- Herbal suppositories with a variety of actions used cyclically
- Antiviral herbs
- Healing herbs
- Immune supportive and stimulating herbs
- Herbs that stimulate the regeneration of new and healthy cells
- Escharotic Treatments:
- Herbs are applied topically to the cervix that stimulates the shedding of the abnormal cells (like a facial that sheds the dead skin cells). This then allows for the growth of new healthy cells. This is a procedure done in the office by a physician. Protocols vary in frequency and duration.