Today I’d like to share the close association between three different glands in our bodies that produce hormones:

  • The adrenal gland;
  • The thyroid gland; and
  • ovaries in women or testes in men.

The Close Connection Between Hormone-Producing Glands

You can think of these three hormone-producing glands as a three-legged stool, and when one of those areas gets weak, it can affect the other areas. Because of how interconnected the glands are, as a naturopathic doctor, I will always look at all three of those areas, because this gives us a better picture of other contributing factors to a patient’s particular hormone-related issues.

Adrenal Glands and Female Hormones

For example, your adrenal glands are affected by stress, and your adrenal glands can become weak. That, in turn, can affect your female hormones: estrogen and progesterone. This typically means that if a woman is going through menopause and has a weak adrenal function, she’ll have many more symptoms while going through menopause.

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So one of the things that I will typically work on with my female patients is naturally supporting and strengthening their adrenal glands. And guess what? Their menopausal symptoms get better, sometimes without even having to supplement them with hormones.

Thyroid Glands and Sex Hormones

We also commonly see thyroid issues presenting themselves when a patient’s estrogen and progesterone sex hormones are shifting. There are two key times when we see this show up:

  • After having a baby; and
  • When a woman is going through menopause.

This is because there are lots of changes and fluctuations in the hormonal levels. These changes put extra stress on the thyroid, and, as a result, we’ll often see hypothyroid being diagnosed for the first time around these phases of life. This is why it’s essential to have all three of these glands supported and balanced for optimal hormone balance.

Hormone Testing – It’s Easy!

The good news is that hormones are easily tested. Some hormones are better tested with a blood test, and some hormones we test with saliva tests. Through these tests, we are able to check all hormone levels.

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