In this natural treatment, ozone gas is injected under the skin, around the site of injury or inflammation.
Ozone Injections Treat:
- Acute joint injuries and inflammation;
- Sprains, tendonitis; and
- Carpal tunnel syndrome.
Dr. Brouwer demonstrates the process of a subcutaneous (SQ) ozone injection in the following video. You can see that the procedure is straightforward and takes only a short time to complete. There is no downtime afterward, and you’re encouraged to continue normal activities. Results are best achieved with a series of treatments, typically 3-6 treatments. However, some acute strain or sprains can be resolved with only 1 or 2 treatments.
Ozone Therapy Testimonials:
“After two long years of pain in my left foot, I finally have it resolved through ozone therapy. I felt like I had tried everything I could do to help my foot (acupuncture, physical therapy, dry needling, you name it, I tried it!).”
“I turned to Dr. Brouwer and worked with her for the ozone injections. After the first injection, I felt an improvement I haven’t had in 2 years.”
“After each injection, I saw improvement to where I am today. I am thankful for the patience Dr. Brouwer had in working with me. Even my son, who had a nagging wrist and ankle injury, sought treatment with the same results I had.”
“I could not recommend this treatment enough!”
~Amy L.
Want to Learn More About the Benefits of Ozone Therapy? Download Our Benefits of Ozone Guide
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