There are so many more screening tests available now, it can be overwhelming to know which ones to choose. From screening for cervical cancer to mammograms for breast cancer, and what about this at-home stool test for colon cancer screening? One of the founding six naturopathic principles is prevention – but prevention means so much more than screening for disease. Prevention also means that we take care of ourselves wherever we can; meaning where we have control and choice. We have the choice to drink enough water during the day. We have the choice between processed and refined oil or virgin organic oils. We have the choice to apply moisturizers that feel good but are packed full of toxins and harmful chemicals or we can instead choose to invest in the cleaner, pure unadulterated moisturizers that are made from mostly plants from our mother earth.
Preventative medicine means we take action and are not passive about our health. Health is wealth – we have all heard it and we know it. Time with our loved ones is the currency of today.
Here’s a review of some of the many screening tests that are available, as well as the guidelines for screening for some of the most common diseases of our times.
CANCER – the dreaded but now very familiar thing we are all afraid of. Screening exams save lives – they just do. Early detected lung cancer is curable. Early detected breast cancer is curable. Breast, lung and bronchus, prostate, and colorectal cancers account for almost 50% of all new cancer cases in the United States.
The U.S. National Library of Medicine encourages both males and females to see their primary care physician regularly for check-ups to ensure their health is normal and under control. The following tables outline our screening recommendations. Discuss with a naturopathic doctor which screening schedule is right for you.