Allergy season has arrived and it can be a challenging time of year for many people, especially here in Arizona. Allergy symptoms, such as nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing, sinus pressure and itchy eyes, nose or throat are common allergy symptoms known as allergic rhinitis or “hay fever”. These allergic symptoms can be quite severe and uncomfortable, affecting one’s ability to perform or enjoy daily activities of life.

Hay fever is the result of your immune system’s over-reaction to substances that you have inhaled. It is typically triggered by outdoor allergens, usually from grasses, trees and weeds. When you breathe in an allergen, your immune system gets activated, making antibodies to that substance, causing an allergic response. This reaction is characterized by the release of histamine and chemicals known as leukotrienes that result in the classic symptoms of allergies.

Allergies are very common. In fact, according to data from the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics, in 2021 nearly 1 in 3 adults and 1 in 4 children in the United States reported having seasonal allergies, eczema, or food allergies.

The standard Western approach to treat allergies is the use of anti-histamines and steroids. Antihistamines block the action of histamine at receptor sites. Although they suppress symptoms, they do nothing to address the underlying cause. Also, antihistamines often produce undesirable side effects, such as dizziness and drowsiness. Steroids used to reduce inflammation can cause suppression of the immune system and have many side effects, including mood swings, high blood pressure, weight gain, and bone loss with prolonged use.

Depending on an individual’s predisposition and immune function, allergic responses vary, but how can we help our body to not react to environmental allergens? There are many naturopathic treatments that can reduce or eliminate allergy symptoms and also address the root cause. These include but are not limited to: acupuncture, homeopathy, herbs, homeopathic desensitization, and specific nutrients that may be helpful in reducing allergy symptoms. Taking a thorough medical history and testing are helpful in identifying the best treatments for each individual.

Testing for Allergies

1) Allergy skin test: This is conducted by an allergy specialist. It is the most accurate test to determine environmental allergies to grasses, trees, weeds, pet dander, dust etc.

2) IgE and IgG antibody blood test: This can test for environmental and food allergies (IgE) as well as food sensitivities (IgG). IgE is an immediate onset hypersensitivity reaction and IgG is a delayed onset hypersensitivity reaction. At Living Wellness Medical Center we offer IgG and IgE food allergy and sensitivity testing. There are two panel options for food sensitivities (IgG): 96 foods and 184 foods.

3) SeroSLIT test: This is individually formulated according to your specific allergens. You start with a blood test to identify which foods or environmental allergies are present. Then, based on the results, individualized drops are created and used as a sublingual immunotherapy. This can help relieve both seasonal and chronic allergies. The concept is similar to allergy shots but without the challenge of doing a weekly injection with your allergy specialist. The drops or a spray are taken daily under the tongue. It is individually formulated to desensitize your body to the offending allergens.

Treatments for Allergies

1) Natural D-Hist: This is a targeted blend of flavonoids, antioxidants, proteolytic enzymes and botanicals designed to provide comprehensive support for seasonal allergies caused by common environmental allergens. This formula includes quercetin, bromelain, stinging nettles leaf, and N-acetyl cysteine. This powerful combination actively promotes healthy nasal and sinus passages for individuals with elevated histamine and respiratory irritation. This formula has similar ingredients to Seasonal Clear but also contains N-acetyl cysteine, which helps to thin mucus secretions and quercetin, a flavanoid that has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.This formula also comes as a chewable tablet (D-Hist Jr.), which is a great option for children or those who can’t swallow capsules.

2) Seasonal Clear: This is a unique formula that can help to alleviate symptoms of allergies such as a runny nose‚ sneezing and itchy eyes, nose, ears or throat. It helps to maintain a normal respiratory tract, promotes healthy mucosal tissue and supports the body’s normal cough reflex and natural ability to dislodge respiratory secretions. Seasonal Clear provides a wide array of ingredients that helps to maintain healthy respiratory tract function, supports a healthy lymphatic system and a natural inflammatory response. It contains stinging nettle leaf (urtica dioica), which helps to stabilize mast cells, thereby decreasing the release of histamine. Due to its gentle anti-inflammatory properties‚ stinging nettle works to relieve nasal congestion and other allergy symptoms.

It also contains echinacea purpurea, which stimulates white blood cell activity, helping to ward off infections. Seasonal Clear also provides 100 milligrams of citrus bioflavonoids. Bioflavonoids are natural compounds found in citrus fruits that offer additional support for immune health. Lastly, it contains enzymes (protease, amylase, lipase, cellulase and bromelain) that help to break down proteins involved in the body’s allergic response. For this reason, Season Clear is most effective when taken between meals so these enzymes are available to break down allergic components rather than being used to digest your food.

3) Allergena (Zone 6): This is a sublingual immunotherapy that helps to desensitize your body to the common allergens you might be exposed to, especially during allergy season. A common treatment utilized for seasonal allergies are allergy shots. The concept is that a small amount of antigens (allergenic substances) are injected into the body, which helps desensitize the body without causing allergic symptoms. The downside to the injections is that they can be painful, allergic reactions to the injections can occur, often weekly injections are required for many years and they can be costly if not covered by insurance. Fortunately, there is another treatment option that is safe, effective, painless, inexpensive and without side effects.

The World Health Organization recognizes sublingual immunotherapy as an alternative for airborne allergies. Homeopathic Sublingual Immunotherapy is a great alternative to medications and allergy shots. Homeopathic preparations are made from various grasses, trees and weeds, and there is a different preparation made for each area of the country, so you can use the one that is specific to where you live. Homeopathic allergy drops administered under the tongue helps to desensitize the body to the environmental triggers. They build immunity by giving micro doses of what a person is allergic to so the body becomes safely conditioned to tolerate those allergens and reduce allergic symptoms. Allergena (Zone 6) is specifically prepared from the most common grasses, trees and weeds that grow in Arizona, Colorado, Utah and New Mexico. Frequent administration is a key factor for sublingual allergic symptom relief and typically increases with consistent, daily use of the drops over time. In sensitive individuals allergy symptoms may worsen initially when starting treatment, so it’s recommended to start slow and build up the dose with time.

4) Histaminum: Homeopathically prepared histamine has been shown to decrease allergy symptoms. These medicines are very dilute, and are added to little sugar pellets that are dissolved under the tongue. Research studies have shown this remedy to be effective in treating symptoms of allergies.

5) SLIT formulas: Sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT). It is a convenient oral treatment done at home rather than shots in a doctor’s office. It helps to treat asthma and allergies. It is an individualized therapy based on your lab results. It delivers a precise dose of the substances that trigger allergic reactions to stimulate your immune system, but not enough to cause a full-blown allergic reaction. The dose of allergens is gradually increased over time. This helps the body’s immune system to build up a tolerance to the allergens. It is typically in the form of sublingual drops or a spray. It is effective for adults and children with mild to moderate allergies.

6) Neti pot: This helps to clear out particulates from your nasal passages and sinuses. There are different types of nets pots: the most commonly used neti pot looks like a tea pot, there are others that utilize a squeeze bottle. You simply add sea salt to warm water and run this through your nasal passages and sinuses. Other ingredients can be added as desired, especially if you have a sinus infection. This includes things like iodine, oil of oregano or an allicin (garlic) extract.

7) Heal your gut: Research has shown that roughly 70% of the body’s immune system is located in the gut. So allergies and digestive issues like gas, bloating, heartburn, constipation or diarrhea, often go hand in hand. Digestive issues and leaky gut syndrome can be caused by overuse of antibiotics or NSAIDS, poor diet and stress. Genetics can be a factor as well. Probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria that regulate the digestive system and support the normal function of your immune system, are very helpful in treating allergies. Also, gut repair powders that include glutamine, aloe vera, licorice etc. can help to heal leaky gut and decrease allergies. Glutamine can be used alone as well in sensitive individuals. Glutamine is the main fuel source for the cells in the intestinal lining. Butyric acid which is a short chain fatty acid, is produced in the gut when beneficial bacteria ferment fiber in the intestines. This can also be taken as a supplement and it helps to heal leaky gut.

8) Test for and avoid food sensitivities: Foods that your body is sensitive to can trigger or worsen allergies and inflammation. IgG antibody testing can determine which foods your body is sensitive to. Based on the results I recommend avoiding 2+ (moderate) and 3+ (severe) reactive foods for at least 3 months and then slowly reintroduce one food at a time, monitoring for any symptoms. I recommend minimizing/rotating 1+ (mild) foods for at least 3 months. Avoiding the foods that your body is sensitive to can greatly improve your allergy symptoms. It is also very important to work on healing leaky gut so that your body no longer has the tendency to develop food sensitivities.


If you are suffering with seasonal or chronic allergies and are looking for a safe and effective alternative to conventional medications, ask us about testing and naturopathic treatmentsat your next appointment.

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